Finding an Apartment in a New City [2020]
There is so much uncertainty that comes with moving to begin with: adjusting to a new job or school, leaving friends and/or family behind, and then there’s finding a place to live. This last item is what we can help with!
Check Your Sources
Start your apartment search around two months before you move. At this time landlords, apartment complexes, and mobile apps will know which and how many units will be available at the time of your move. That being said, make sure you’re searching at reputable places, like Trulia and Zillow, and watch out for potential scams on websites that seem shady
Visit On and Offline
When you’re beginning the apartment hunt, check out everything online. That includes the neighborhoods these perspective places are in. What are the school systems like? Crime rate? Commute times? And then look at the apartments themselves: does it offer the right kind of amenities, appliances, and size? Once you’ve narrowed down your list based on that criteria it is critical that you see them in person – not just online. This will be the only way you’ll be able to truly tell if all your research is correct and if you can really see yourself living there.
Do a Background Check
So, you probably know that you’re new landlord or property management company will run a background check on you during the application process, but you probably didn’t know that you can do the same to them! And we highly recommend that you do. You don’t want to get caught in a situation in a new city, far from home, with an apartment that isn’t livable and being stuck with it.
Ask Friends, Realtors, or Apartment Brokers
There’s no shame in calling in some help. While it would be nice to call on friends who already live in the city for help in finding a spot, that isn’t always the case. For this, we have realtors or apartment brokers! They will already know the city and it’s neighborhoods ins and outs and how to make your budget work for you – it’s their job.
Finding a new abode can be tough, but it’s also fun and exciting! Stick to these tips and we are sure you’ll score the best place for you in the newest adventure in your life!
Need Help Moving?
If you’d like assistance moving to your new apartment, click the Request a Quote button above.