How to Move with With Your Pet
Pets are family too, and you want to make sure they are taken care of as they should be! So, what does that mean for a cross-country move? What are the best ways for them to be comfortable and acclimated both during and after the move?
Here at Hogan Moving, we have a few tips to help you with these questions.
Make a Vet Appointment
First things first, make an appointment with your pet’s vet. Let the veterinarian know you are planning to move and will need to be updated on shots, licenses, paperwork. Not only will the vet help with keeping everything kosher for your favorite fluffy ball, but also be able to see if there may be any potential stressors for them while they are traveling and address them then.
Know What Type of Pet Carrier You Need
If you are flying to your new destination then be sure to check the regulations for pet carriers for your specific airline. They are all a little different so before purchasing one for the journey get all the info to avoid having to return the product or being turned away at the airport.
If you’re driving your pet, you might also look into what types of carriers will fit in your car and allow your pet to be as comfortable as possible.
Find Pet-Friendly Stops
This may go without saying, but make sure to check that all your stops along the way when moving are pet-friendly. This means making sure your stops allow four-legged family members to be there. This would include places like hotels, rest stops, and then of course your ending destination – especially if you’re moving into a rental.
Watch Out for Your Pets as They Adjust
Much like people, animal companions need time to adjust to a new location and lifestyle. Be sure to pay extra attention to them in the first couple of weeks. Try giving extra pets, treats, walks, or even conversation. Be patient if they are skittish at first, do some hiding, or extra sniffing. Those are all normal behaviors for pets learning and adjusting to their new home.
We hope these tips help with your cat, dog, or even iguana during their move! If you have more you’d like to add to this list please let us know!